We invited Dipika Singh from SheMeansBusiness to conduct a workshop on Story-telling for Small Business. The session focused on the importance of weaving a story to talk about business on every platform ,engagement or forum. This enables smaller businesses to generate curiosity , brand -recall value and to develop a bond with the target audience.
Key Takeaways from the session on storytelling in business are :-
Why should we weave a story ?
- Helps you stand out from the competition
- Makes your brand more memorable
- Helps stakeholders relate to you
- Gives you an interesting PR peg
- Gets stakeholders to talk about you: An interesting story will always be repeated by people who come in contact with your brand.
Where do Stories come from?
- How you started?
- Why you started?
- Product differentiation
- Behind the scenes
- Vendor stories
- Client stories
What are the types of stories?
- Overarching story – About the brand and its purpose
- Bite sized stories (Product, clients) – each product can have a story based on design, background etc.

How and when should I share the story ?
You should share the story with different people consistently and repeatedly. A story can be told in different ways:
Through Owned Media – Social media channels, website
Through Other Media – PR activity .Through packaging, interesting content.
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